Japanese cuisine with its characteristic oriental mystery and originality has become widespread throughout the world. More recently, specific Japanese cuisine was at the peak of popularity in our country, it was considered the most fashionable, and previously unknown sushi and rolls have become almost everyday dishes.
The Japanese prefer to cook exclusively from natural fresh products that are processed to a minimum (most dishes are not thermally processed at all), and they strictly calculate portions by volume in order to avoid overeating. Thus, Japanese chefs approach cooking with wisdom – it is not for nothing that their cuisine is considered one of the healthiest. In addition, Japanese cuisine is characterized by a beautiful presentation of dishes and a special table setting – for the Japanese, the aesthetic side of cooking is extremely important. Most of the dishes are served in small portions or small pieces for convenience, since the usual forks, knives and spoons are not used in Japan – only chopsticks.
Rice, seafood, fish, legumes (particularly soy, which is used to make tofu, soy sauce, miso soup, natto), plants (wasabi, bamboo, lotus, lettuce) and vegetables (daikon radish, sweet potato, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers) , noodles – these are the products that form the basis of the cuisine. The Japanese began to eat beef and pork quite late.

Today, the cuisine of this state is a world heritage and serves as a source of inspiration for the best chefs on the planet. And getting to know her is one of the most wonderful reasons to visit the Land of the Rising Sun.